We have 5,516 Live Tenders

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Why join B2B Quote Tenders?
  • We have been established since 2006 and now over 325 businesses join us each week to find tenders and secure new contracts.
  • We make finding business Tenders easy for you - our Tender sourcing team do the hard work as we access over 2,000 UK Public Sector sources publishing over 300 new Tenders each day.
  • Our UK Tender search is simple to use and you can filter by sector and location to see the most relevant tenders for your business.
  • We save you time by delivering Tender opportunities straight to your inbox the instant a buyer requires your goods or services.
  • Access to our NEW Bid Management software solution that integrates seamlessly with your B2B Quote Tenders Account making it easier than ever to manage bids and win contracts.
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How It Works
Register for Free
Our quick and easy registration enables you to choose unlimited categories and regions, so you won’t have to worry about missing any future tender opportunities.
Email Alerts
Receive twice daily e-mail alerts for UK Tenders matching your profile and company requirements.
View Tenders
Instantly view matching & live Tenders in your account.

Business Tenders

Accessing business Tenders online has never been easier with B2B Quote Tenders. You can search for contract opportunities in a wide variety of sectors and in specific locations, discover upcoming tenders and register for twice daily free email alerts so that your business will never miss out.

We make the process of securing contracts simple. Once you find a Tender you are interested in, we detail the required criteria for businesses wanting to bid for the Tender and provide the relevant information to contact the buyer and put forward your Tender submission.

Our Customers Love Our Service

Below are some of our incredible clients

What Makes Us Unique?

Customers tell us B2B Quote Tenders makes such a positive impact on their business that we encourage you to test drive our service by registering for FREE for an unlimited time to see for yourself. Join other companies in using B2B Quote Tenders to receive alerts of contract opportunities in the public sector and start to grow your business today.

  • Never miss a Tender opportunity - We are the only Tender Alert service that will send you twice daily e-mail alerts, helping you to secure more business for your company.
  • Our NEW Bid Management Software - Streamlines your bidding process, making it easier than ever to manage bids and win contracts. With our intuitive interface, you can track and manage your bids with just a few clicks. Collaborate with ease empowering your team to work together seamlessly, no matter where they are located.
  • Our price point - Nobody else offers the same number of Tenders, dynamic search, excellent level of service and extensive features for £7 per week.
  • Our NEW Company Monitoring Alert - We notify you by e-mail within 24 hours when any organisation you choose to monitor are awarded contracts.
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Our Partners

Greater Birmingham Chamber of Commerce Logo
Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce

B2B Quote Tenders are the official provider of UK Public Sector Tender alerts to The Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce. We provide a live feed displaying the latest Tender Alerts.

Black Country Chamber of Commerce Logo
Black Country Chamber of Commerce

B2B Quote Tenders are the official provider of UK Public Sector Tender alerts to The Black Country Chamber of Commerce. We provide a live feed displaying the latest Tender Alerts.

Business Tenders FAQs

What types of business Tenders are there?

There are a range of different business Tenders out there, including:

Open procedure

This procedure means that anyone can submit a Tender. There are no restrictions on when this procedure can be used, but there is a requirement on the Buyer to evaluate all Tenders received.

Restricted procedure

This procedure means that interested parties can submit an expression of interest. A minimum of five suppliers are invited to Tender (unless fewer suitable candidates have applied) and these are sufficient to ensure genuine competition. There are no restrictions on when this procedure can be used.

Competitive dialogue

This procedure means that a selection is made of those who respond to the advertisement and only they are invited to submit an initial Tender for the contract. This procedure may be used for works, supplies or services where one of the following may apply:

If you have any questions about different types of business Tenders, please do get in touch.

In order to start accessing Tenders for your business with B2B Quote Tenders, simply register online for free – to instantly view UK Tenders which match your business profile and requirements.

If you need help on writing a Tender we offer 2 types of Tender training for customers.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries about the Tendering process and a member of our team will be happy to help.

How to search Tenders

Here at B2B Quote Tenders we do the hard part of sourcing Tenders in the public sector within the UK. All you need to do is register with us for Free and use our Tender search engine applying relevant category and location filters to find opportunities that suit your business.

We save you time and take the hard work out of finding UK Tenders