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Healthcare & Social Care Tenders in Yorkshire & Humber

Social Work Services/ Domiciliary Care/ Children's Social Care/ Advocacy Services/ Residential Care Home Providers & Establishments/ Supported Tenancies/ Early Years Education Providers/ Housing Services/ Debt Help & Advice Services/ Hospital Support Services/ GP Support Services/ Funeral Services

You have 136 matching Tenders. To view further information on a Tender please Register for Free.

Date Published Title of tender Type of Tender Deadline Date
26/07/2024 Digital Weight Management Programme - Prior Information Notice PinLow 20/08/2024
26/07/2024 Psychiatrist or psychologist services - Prior Information Notice PinLow 23/08/2024
26/07/2024 Referral, Assessment & Local Support - Prior information notice PinHigh 26/08/2024
26/07/2024 Healthcare Agency Staffing Low 28/08/2024
25/07/2024 Early Intervention Services High 27/08/2024
25/07/2024 Short Breaks - Grants Low 30/08/2024
25/07/2024 Prevention Pilot - Prior information notice PinHigh 06/08/2024
25/07/2024 Early Intervention Work & Health Programme High 27/08/2024
25/07/2024 Pulmonary Rehabilitation Service High 28/08/2024
24/07/2024 Mental Health Services - Prior information notice PinHigh 02/08/2024
23/07/2024 Funeral Services Low 16/08/2024
23/07/2024 Adult Social Care Low 23/08/2024
23/07/2024 Community pharmacy clinical framework Low 07/08/2024
22/07/2024 Healthcare Workforce Framework High 16/08/2024
20/07/2024 Immunisation Healthcare Services Low 02/09/2024
18/07/2024 Short Breaks - Prior Information Notice PinHigh 02/08/2024
18/07/2024 Carer Assessment Service - Market Sounding Exercise PinLow 13/08/2024
18/07/2024 Peer Support Services Low 06/08/2024
18/07/2024 Community vaccination programme High 01/08/2024
17/07/2024 Home Care High 02/09/2024
17/07/2024 Echocardiography Services - Existing Framework Low 29/07/2024
16/07/2024 Community Vaccine Programme High 30/07/2024
16/07/2024 Community Covid Vaccine High 30/07/2024
15/07/2024 Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Services - Prior information notice PinHigh 08/08/2024
15/07/2024 Healthcare Services High 09/08/2024
15/07/2024 Insourced Cardiology and Ophthalmology Services - Prior information notice PinHigh 15/08/2024
13/07/2024 Ultrasound scanners Low 09/08/2024
12/07/2024 Non-Custodial Healthcare High 14/08/2024
12/07/2024 Efficiency Savings in Adult Social Care High 09/08/2024
12/07/2024 Occupational Health Services - Prior Information Notice PinLow 09/08/2024
11/07/2024 Prison Primary Care & Mental Health Support High 28/08/2024
10/07/2024 Advocacy Service High 09/08/2024
10/07/2024 Private Sector Property Lease Low 31/07/2024
08/07/2024 Chronic Fatigue Services - Physiotherapy - Prior information notice PinHigh 09/08/2024
08/07/2024 Placements for Children and Young People High 05/08/2024
08/07/2024 Wellbeing support for staff - Prior information notice PinHigh 12/08/2024
05/07/2024 Domestic Abuse Services Low 31/07/2024
05/07/2024 Cranial radiotherapy treatment - Prior information notice PinHigh 31/07/2024
04/07/2024 SEND Occupational Therapy Low 02/08/2024
02/07/2024 Tier 2 Weight Management services - Prior information notice PinHigh 01/10/2024
26/06/2024 Processing Support for Benefits High 31/07/2024
25/06/2024 Direct Payment Support Services High 09/08/2024
25/06/2024 Assessment and therapy for high risk Low 05/08/2024
24/06/2024 Advocacy Services High 30/07/2024
19/06/2024 Health Services High 31/07/2024
17/06/2024 Integrated Community Equipment Service High 29/07/2024
13/06/2024 Accommodate & manage high risk individuals High 14/08/2024
10/06/2024 Community Beds Service High 05/08/2024
30/05/2024 Health & Social High 31/07/2029
29/05/2024 Care & Support Services within Extra Care Housing - Prior Information Notice PinLow 24/08/2024
24/05/2024 Adviser Service - Prior information notice PinHigh 01/08/2024
14/05/2024 New Supported Living - Market Engagement Exercise Low 31/08/2024
10/05/2024 Support for people with a mental health issue High 22/09/2030
01/05/2024 Supported Accommodation - Prior Information Notice PinLow 01/08/2024
26/04/2024 Education Professionals Framework - Prior Information Notice PinLow 31/07/2024
18/03/2024 Domiciliary Care High 31/03/2031
01/03/2024 Homecare Services DPS High 31/03/2027
06/02/2024 Children's Specialist Education Low 27/03/2034
16/01/2024 Social Work Services - Dynamic Purchasing System Low 07/09/2028
17/11/2023 Supported Accommodation EMP Low 31/03/2034
16/11/2023 Supported Accommodation Service High 31/03/2034
21/09/2023 Education Services Low 31/07/2026
15/09/2023 Supported Living High 16/11/2028
15/09/2023 Residential Care Services High 04/02/2029
24/08/2023 Supported Living Services High 31/03/2032
17/08/2023 Goods & Services to Drive Social Impact & Improvement High 15/08/2029
03/07/2023 Short Breaks Services High 31/08/2030
27/06/2023 Supported Living Services High 10/08/2030
30/05/2023 Housing Related Support High 01/10/2028
26/05/2023 Residential Care Home Services Low 27/04/2026
26/05/2023 Support Accommodation High 02/07/2033
04/05/2023 Occupational Health, Employee Assistance Programmes and Eyecare Services - Prior information notice PinHigh
06/04/2023 Domiciliary Care High 31/05/2027
05/04/2023 Mental Health Doctors - Framework High 28/02/2026
04/04/2023 DPS to deliver services to people with ISF's High 31/07/2028
18/03/2023 Registered Housing Providers Low 02/02/2025
17/03/2023 Short Breaks - DPS Low 01/04/2026
17/03/2023 Voluntary and Charitable Services - DPS Low 30/04/2031
17/03/2023 Residential Care and Nursing Low 31/03/2029
17/03/2023 Children Care Services - DPS Low 09/02/2030
17/03/2023 Therapeutic Support Services Low 31/03/2027
17/03/2023 Health Checks High 31/03/2026
17/03/2023 Framework to Provide Health Checks Low 31/03/2026
13/03/2023 Residential Rehabilitation Services Low 30/09/2026
10/02/2023 Social Work Services High 09/02/2030
27/01/2023 Mental Health Services High 08/05/2028
23/01/2023 Home Care Services - Framework Low 31/03/2025
21/10/2022 Framework for independent housing-based enablement support High 30/07/2027
28/09/2022 Accommodation & Support High 31/12/2032
10/08/2022 Home Support High 30/06/2027
10/08/2022 Home Care Framework Low 30/06/2027
18/07/2022 Nursing Home Services Low 28/03/2030
20/06/2022 Care Services Low 31/03/2025
17/06/2022 Home Care & Support High 31/03/2025
09/06/2022 Health & Adult Services High 31/10/2029
09/05/2022 Residential care and support High 31/12/2031
05/04/2022 Supported Living Services Low 31/03/2030
02/02/2022 Supported Living Services High 31/03/2032
01/02/2022 Education Services Low 29/05/2026
06/01/2022 Welfare services not delivered through residential institutions - DPS High 08/04/2027
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