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Healthcare & Social Care Tenders in the North East

Social Work Services/ Domiciliary Care/ Children's Social Care/ Advocacy Services/ Residential Care Home Providers & Establishments/ Supported Tenancies/ Early Years Education Providers/ Housing Services/ Debt Help & Advice Services/ Hospital Support Services/ GP Support Services/ Funeral Services

You have 82 matching Tenders. To view further information on a Tender please Register for Free.

Date Published Title of tender Type of Tender Deadline Date
26/07/2024 Psychiatrist or psychologist services - Prior Information Notice PinLow 23/08/2024
25/07/2024 Homecare Services High 27/08/2024
24/07/2024 Mental Health Services - Prior information notice PinHigh 02/08/2024
23/07/2024 Addressing Inequalities in Cancer Screening Project - Prior information notice PinHigh 23/08/2024
23/07/2024 Community pharmacy clinical framework Low 07/08/2024
23/07/2024 GP Out of Hours & Home Visiting Services - Prior Information Notice PinHigh 06/08/2024
22/07/2024 Healthcare Workforce Framework High 16/08/2024
22/07/2024 Occupational Health Physician Services High 26/08/2024
20/07/2024 Immunisation Healthcare Services Low 02/09/2024
19/07/2024 Placement Services for Children and Young People - Provider Engagement PinLow 01/08/2024
18/07/2024 Active Travel Hub Low 30/07/2024
18/07/2024 Community vaccination programme High 01/08/2024
16/07/2024 Community Vaccine Programme High 30/07/2024
15/07/2024 Speech And Language Therapist - Prior information notice PinHigh 29/07/2024
15/07/2024 Residential Care Placement Low 05/08/2024
15/07/2024 Care Home and Supported Living Placements High 05/08/2024
12/07/2024 Non-Custodial Healthcare High 14/08/2024
12/07/2024 Efficiency Savings in Adult Social Care High 09/08/2024
12/07/2024 Occupational Health Services - Prior Information Notice PinLow 09/08/2024
11/07/2024 Support Services High 07/08/2024
11/07/2024 Prison Primary Care & Mental Health Support High 28/08/2024
09/07/2024 Patient Transport Framework Low 29/08/2024
08/07/2024 Health & Social High 05/08/2024
08/07/2024 Placements for Children and Young People High 05/08/2024
08/07/2024 Social care advocacy & independent reviews Low 05/08/2024
08/07/2024 Independent Foster Care Services High 05/08/2024
08/07/2024 Patient transport framework - Prior information notice PinHigh 15/07/2025
05/07/2024 Domestic Abuse Services Low 31/07/2024
05/07/2024 Cranial radiotherapy treatment - Prior information notice PinHigh 31/07/2024
02/07/2024 Exercises classes for people with long-term lung conditions High 31/07/2024
01/07/2024 Short Breaks for SEND Children & Young People - Framework High 05/08/2024
27/06/2024 Sexual Health Service - Market Event PinLow 30/07/2024
26/06/2024 Children & Young People Social services High 31/07/2024
26/06/2024 Processing Support for Benefits High 31/07/2024
13/06/2024 Accommodate & manage high risk individuals High 14/08/2024
06/06/2024 Public Health Services Low 07/08/2024
29/05/2024 Care & Support Services within Extra Care Housing - Prior Information Notice PinLow 24/08/2024
29/05/2024 Detoxification Residential Support - Prior information notice High 31/01/2028
28/05/2024 Complaints Advocacy Low 01/10/2024
01/05/2024 Supported Accommodation - Prior Information Notice PinLow 01/08/2024
26/04/2024 Education Professionals Framework - Prior Information Notice PinLow 31/07/2024
15/03/2024 Supported Living Flexible Framework High 30/06/2028
14/03/2024 Visual Rehabilitation - Soft Market Testing Low 30/09/2024
25/11/2023 Accreditation process for elective services Low 24/01/2025
24/10/2023 Social Services Low 31/10/2027
17/08/2023 Goods & Services to Drive Social Impact & Improvement High 15/08/2029
17/08/2023 Supported Accommodation and Lodgings Low 30/06/2033
04/05/2023 Occupational Health, Employee Assistance Programmes and Eyecare Services - Prior information notice PinHigh
06/04/2023 Home & Community Care High 20/05/2033
18/03/2023 Home Care Services - Framework Low 01/10/2024
18/03/2023 All age accommodation and support - DPS Low 07/03/2025
17/03/2023 Short Breaks - DPS Low 01/04/2026
17/03/2023 Voluntary and Charitable Services - DPS Low 30/04/2031
17/03/2023 Residential Care and Nursing Low 31/03/2029
17/03/2023 Children Care Services - DPS Low 09/02/2030
10/02/2023 Social Work Services High 09/02/2030
16/08/2022 Independent Investigating Officer Low 30/06/2025
12/08/2022 Intermediate Care Plus Beds High 30/09/2025
18/07/2022 Nursing Home Services Low 28/03/2030
16/05/2022 Holiday Activity Food Programmes & Early Help Services High 01/06/2027
06/05/2022 Dental Sedation Services - Prior Information Notice PinLow
04/04/2022 Social Care Services Low 30/09/2031
01/02/2022 Education Services Low 29/05/2026
04/11/2021 Physical Forensics Services High 03/11/2028
26/10/2021 Home Care Services Low 05/11/2025
22/10/2021 Home Care Services High 05/11/2025
31/08/2021 Mental Health & Well-being Support Low 21/07/2031
02/07/2021 Weight Management Services High 02/03/2026
09/04/2021 Day Services High 30/06/2025
10/03/2021 Voluntary, Charitable & Social Enterprise Services High 30/04/2031
26/01/2021 Management of patient referrals - Dynamic Purchasing System High 10/03/2028
15/01/2021 GP Clinical Services - Express of Interest Low 30/09/2028
12/01/2021 Delivery of pharmaceutical products High 11/01/2031
09/10/2020 Appropriate Adults Services High 07/12/2028
20/08/2020 Administration Services Low 18/08/2024
15/06/2020 Framework for probation rehabilitation support High 10/06/2027
26/11/2019 Accommodation & Support Low 31/01/2025
17/09/2019 Homecare Services Low 30/08/2024
20/06/2019 Home Care Services Low 31/03/2029
14/02/2019 Moving and Handling Equipment High 13/02/2029
28/01/2019 Forensic Document Examination High 31/03/2025
13/07/2018 Care & Support Services Low 30/09/2028
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