14/01/2025 |
Counselling Services |
Low |
19/02/2025 |
14/01/2025 |
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure - Soft Market Engagement |
PinLow |
25/02/2025 |
14/01/2025 |
Storage Services |
Low |
14/02/2025 |
14/01/2025 |
Village hall extension construction |
Low |
21/02/2025 |
14/01/2025 |
Building materials supply DPS |
High |
31/05/2029 |
14/01/2025 |
Installation of communications equipment |
Low |
28/01/2025 |
14/01/2025 |
Assessment of Fire Risks |
Low |
20/01/2025 |
14/01/2025 |
Insecticide Treated Nets Inspection (Africa) |
Low |
24/01/2025 |
14/01/2025 |
Fuel Tank Inspections |
Low |
14/02/2025 |
14/01/2025 |
Recruitment Marketing Campaign - Prior Information Notice |
PinLow |
22/01/2025 |
14/01/2025 |
Electrical compliance works - France |
Low |
28/02/2025 |
14/01/2025 |
Examination study - Kazakhstan |
Low |
20/01/2025 |
14/01/2025 |
Regional Workshop - Overseas |
Low |
17/01/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Drainage Services |
Low |
15/01/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Evaluation Consultancy Services |
Low |
10/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
IT Software |
Low |
22/01/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Event Management Services (Pakistan) |
High |
12/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Exam Venues (Pakistan) |
High |
12/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Decarbonisation Works & Services |
High |
12/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Evaluation Consultancy Services |
Low |
20/01/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Ground Maintenance Services |
Low |
28/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Energy-efficiency consultancy for net zero |
Low |
03/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Software with case management functionality |
High |
12/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Executive Leadership Training - Prior Information Notice |
PinLow |
28/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Data network support |
High |
10/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Strategic brand agency |
High |
12/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Medical cleansing consumables - framework |
High |
11/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Equal opportunities training |
Low |
31/01/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Installation of doors and windows - Single supplier framework |
High |
28/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Lift condition surveys, design & repairs |
Low |
28/10/2026 |
13/01/2025 |
Health research funding |
Low |
07/05/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Funding applications - healthcare research |
Low |
07/05/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Funding for Medical & Health Care Research |
Low |
07/05/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Funding for primary research |
Low |
07/05/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Digital technology in mental health care research |
Low |
20/05/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Studies for patients with brain tumours |
Low |
07/05/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Brain tumour related research |
Low |
20/05/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
NHS and social care research funding |
Low |
20/05/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
E-resource guidance system |
Low |
24/01/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Public transport research project |
High |
07/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Software as a Service for Managing Contracts |
High |
14/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Carbine firearms - framework |
High |
13/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
IT system assurance - Periodic indicative notice |
PinHigh |
31/01/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Health and safety consultancy DPS - Prior Information Notice |
PinLow |
14/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
IT helpdesk & support |
High |
12/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Electric Vehicle Charging Points - Soft Market Test |
PinHigh |
31/01/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Transport for Vulnerable Passengers - Prior Information Notice |
PinLow |
31/01/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Display screens |
Low |
31/03/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Financial systems software |
High |
17/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Certificate level qualification |
High |
12/02/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
The Offender Personality Disorder Pathway |
Low |
15/01/2025 |
13/01/2025 |
Marine Safety Framework |
High |
18/02/2025 |
11/01/2025 |
Access & Road Works |
Low |
03/02/2025 |
11/01/2025 |
Options Appraisal Consultancy |
Low |
31/01/2025 |
11/01/2025 |
Skills Gap Analysis - Malawi |
Low |
31/01/2025 |
11/01/2025 |
Family planning services in Uganda - Prior information notice |
PinHigh |
13/02/2025 |
11/01/2025 |
Advice on Government Shareholdings - St Helena |
Low |
06/02/2025 |
11/01/2025 |
Replacement of Floodlighting |
Low |
20/01/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Service Desk-Server hosting-Backup as a Service |
High |
11/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Care home staffing - Prior information notice |
PinHigh |
13/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Access Road Construction |
Low |
03/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Building Works |
Low |
03/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Refurbishment Works |
Low |
25/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Gazebos Supply |
Low |
22/01/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
School cleaning services |
High |
10/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Maintenance of medical equipment - Prior information notice |
High |
17/01/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Supporting children, young people and families - Prior information notice |
PinHigh |
01/11/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Spirometry Instruments |
High |
11/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Roof upgrade |
Low |
07/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Research Services |
Low |
12/03/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Electronic Payment Management DPS |
High |
31/05/2029 |
10/01/2025 |
Insurance DPS |
High |
31/05/2029 |
10/01/2025 |
Fire Alarm System - Maintenance |
High |
11/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Insurance agency DPS |
High |
31/05/2029 |
10/01/2025 |
Media Relations / Media Monitoring |
High |
10/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Core Maths and English Training - Open early engagement |
PinHigh |
23/01/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Auditing services - DPS |
High |
31/05/2029 |
10/01/2025 |
Brand & Marketing Design DPS |
High |
31/05/2029 |
10/01/2025 |
Refuse sacks & bags |
Low |
04/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Mobile and IP Telecommunications DPS |
High |
31/05/2029 |
10/01/2025 |
Cleaning Contracts - DPS |
High |
31/05/2029 |
10/01/2025 |
Fuel and energy sources DPS |
High |
31/05/2029 |
10/01/2025 |
Energy-management DPS |
High |
31/05/2029 |
10/01/2025 |
Office Supplies - DPS |
High |
31/05/2029 |
10/01/2025 |
Forestry products |
Low |
16/01/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Maintenance of Heat Pumps |
High |
31/05/2029 |
10/01/2025 |
Energy management services |
High |
14/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Wheeled utility platform - Request for Information |
PinLow |
21/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Build and test enterprise resource planning solution |
Low |
31/08/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Exhibition Build Services - Overseas |
Low |
07/03/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Architectural Services |
High |
21/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Environmental Consultancy Services |
Low |
24/01/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Railway Crash Damage Repair Services |
High |
19/02/2025 |
10/01/2025 |
Children and Young People’s Framework for Integrated Care |
Low |
12/02/2025 |
09/01/2025 |
General Build & Maintenance Services |
High |
14/02/2025 |
09/01/2025 |
Occupational Health |
High |
10/02/2025 |
09/01/2025 |
Legionella and Associated Services - DPS |
High |
31/05/2029 |
09/01/2025 |
Audit of annual statutory accounts |
Low |
10/02/2025 |
09/01/2025 |
Energy Doctor Service |
Low |
03/02/2025 |
09/01/2025 |
Fire Prevention Services |
High |
31/05/2029 |